Your Guide To E-Rate 2023-2024: Application Timeline, Eligibility, and More

As COVID relief funding sunsets next September 2024, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) annual E-Rate Program will become increasingly important for schools and libraries seeking to refresh and maintain their technology stack.

As COVID relief funding sunsets next September 2024, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) annual E-Rate Program will become increasingly important for schools and libraries seeking to refresh and maintain their technology stack.  

To help education leaders prepare for the pending E-Rate application season, UDT has pulled together this guide covering all things E-Rate. If you’re ready to speak to an E-Rate expert and find out how UDT can help you navigate the process and optimize your funding, skip to the end of this resource or contact us here. 

Empowering Schools & Libraries With E-Rate 

By the time the FCC established its E-Rate Program in 1996, only 14% of the United States’ K12 classrooms had access to the Internet. Today tells a different story, with 67% of school districts across the country now meeting the bandwidth target of 1 Mbps per student. Of course, that still leaves 23.5 million students without improved Internet access.  

It’s clear that while the E-Rate Program stands as a transformative force for education, it’s still widely misunderstood and underutilized. Some eligible school districts and library systems don’t realize they can leverage E-Rate for more than just connectivity hardware. 

E-Rate funding can also open the doors for Managed Internal Broadband Services (MIBS)—an investment in covered services like network monitoring and management, as well as repair or replacement for eligible hardware (think cabling, wired data networking equipment, firewalls, caching devices, and more). The best part? MIBS can be purchased with or without equipment on your E-Rate application. 

E-Rate is designed to help schools and libraries gain access to reliable, high-speed connectivity. When utilized appropriately, it can empower institutions to create seamless digital experiences for students and patrons alike (but more on this later). 

To help E-Rate-eligible institutions get the most out of this program, we’re delving into the true scope of E-Rate’s far-reaching and profound impact, including how schools and libraries can make the usually tedious application process a lot easier and more efficient. Our goal is to assist in realizing the program’s mission and purpose of bolstering educational experiences and empowering institutions to offer enhanced connectivity, opening doors to vital resources, and cultivating innovative learning environments. 

We’ll also be answering key questions, including: 

Let’s begin.

Understanding the E-Rate Program: What is the E-Rate Program and how does it support educational institutions? 

The E-Rate Program is a transformative government initiative. It’s designed to bridge the digital divide and empower educational institutions, including schools and libraries, with the essential technology resources that ensure connectivity. However, it’s more than just a funding mechanism; it’s also a catalyst for providing equitable access to the digital world.  

At its heart, the E-Rate Program, officially known as the Universal Service Program for Schools and Libraries, acknowledges the critical role that technology and Internet connectivity play in enhancing education. It recognizes that in the digital age, learning experiences extend beyond traditional classroom boundaries.  

The E-Rate Program functions by providing eligible educational institutions with up to 90% discounts on telecommunications services, Internet access, and internal connections. These discounts alleviate the financial burden on institutions, allowing them to channel resources into other crucial aspects of education. By facilitating access to high-speed broadband, Wi-Fi networks, and digital tools, the program helps create an environment where students can explore, learn, and develop essential skills for the future. 

At its core, the E-Rate Program aims to level the playing field, ensuring that institutions regardless of their geographic location or economic status can offer students and patrons the same opportunities to explore the digital world.  

A central figure in the E-Rate Program’s administration is the FCC. It oversees the program, ensuring that its goals and objectives are met efficiently and effectively. The commission plays a crucial role in setting guidelines, defining eligible services, and establishing the rules that govern the program. Through its leadership, the FCC ensures that the E-Rate Program remains a reliable avenue for educational institutions to access the technology resources they need to explore, learn, and succeed. 

Eligibility Criteria: Who qualifies to participate in the E-Rate Program and benefit from its resources? 

The E-Rate Program extends its resources to a diverse range of eligible entities. To understand who qualifies, let’s delve into the definitions, specific criteria, and the significance of meeting eligibility requirements. 

  • K12 Schools: K12 schools encompass elementary, middle, and high schools, providing education to students from kindergarten through twelfth grade. These schools play a fundamental role in shaping the academic journey of students. To qualify for the E-Rate Program, K12 schools must be recognized as eligible by their respective state education departments.
  • Public Libraries: Public libraries are community hubs of information and learning, offering a wide range of resources to patrons. Eligible public libraries include those that are listed in the Institute of Museum and Library Services’ (IMLS) database and serve the public without charge for access to their materials and services.
  • Rural Healthcare Providers: While the primary focus of the E-Rate Program is on educational institutions and libraries, it also extends its reach to rural healthcare providers. These providers include rural public or nonprofit healthcare providers that offer medical services to residents in underserved rural areas.


The program’s reach and impact depend on rigorous adherence to these criteria, ensuring that its resources are directed to the institutions and communities that truly require them.  

For example, discount rates are assigned based on economic need, with schools and libraries in higher-poverty areas receiving higher discounts. It’s also worth noting that urban and rural classifications are utilized to determine these discount levels, recognizing the unique challenges faced by different locations. 

Advantages for Institutions: How does the E-Rate Program benefit schools, libraries, and eligible organizations beyond funding? 

The E-Rate Program acts as a catalyst for transforming the educational landscape by facilitating improved access to online resources and advanced communication tools. It’s a powerful mechanism that addresses the digital divide, ensuring that students and patrons have equitable access to technology and digital information, regardless of their socioeconomic background.  

Beyond financial aid, the program focuses on creating an environment where technology plays a pivotal role in fostering academic growth, innovation, and community engagement through connectivity. One prime example of the broader benefits offered by the E-Rate Program is MIBS. 

Unlike Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections (BMIC), which covers the repair and upkeep of eligible internal connections with specific requirements for support, MIBS encompasses the services provided by a third party for the operation, management, and monitoring of eligible broadband internal connections components, like access points, routers, switches, hubs, and wiring (this includes Managed Wi-Fi, for example). MIBS empowers schools and libraries to establish, maintain, manage, and monitor reliable networks that facilitate efficient communication, collaborative learning, and resource-sharing, directly driving educational outcomes. 

From virtual classrooms and online research to interactive educational content, MIBS enables schools and libraries to harness the full potential of their connections. It ensures that students can access online resources without disruption, educators can engage with immersive teaching methods, and libraries can offer a wealth of digital content. In a world where connectivity is integral to learning, MIBS is the backbone that supports these critical endeavors. 

As part of the E-Rate Program’s broader benefits, MIBS plays a fundamental role in elevating the quality of education and access to information. By addressing infrastructure gaps and providing reliable connectivity, the program contributes to the creation of well-rounded, tech-savvy students and informed communities. Moreover, the increased access to online resources fosters a dynamic learning environment where educators can personalize instruction and students can explore diverse subjects beyond the classroom. 

But in order to benefit from MIBS, school districts and library systems must understand how to factor them into their Form 407 to apply for E-Rate. Working with an E-Rate expert, like UDT, can also prove critical for ensuring applicants receive the right support with optimal E-Rate funding. 

Covered Services and Technologies: What specific services and technologies does the E-Rate Program encompass? 

The services and technologies covered by the E-Rate Program are tailored to address the specific needs of modern learning environments and ensure that students and patrons have equitable access to vital connectivity resources. 

They include: 

  • Internet Access: At the heart of the program is the provision of reliable and high-speed Internet access. This service forms the foundation for various online learning activities, research endeavors, and communication tools that are integral to today’s education system.
  • Wi-Fi Connectivity: The program recognizes the significance of seamless wireless connectivity within educational premises. Wi-Fi technology enables students, teachers, and other patrons to access online resources, collaborate on projects, and engage in interactive learning experiences from anywhere.
  • Broadband Services: Broadband is the lifeline of modern connectivity. E-Rate supports institutions in obtaining and maintaining broadband services that ensure optimal online experiences. Whether for video conferencing, virtual classrooms, or data-intensive research, broadband services are essential for operations to run smoothly. 


Funding Percentage Associated with Each E-Rate Category 

The E-Rate Program’s funding structure is designed to accommodate various needs while promoting equitable access to technology. It covers two classifications of funding: 

  • Category 1 Services: This category includes telecommunications services, Internet access, and data transmission. Funding for Category 1 services is typically provided at a higher percentage, reflecting their essential nature in establishing the digital infrastructure. Schools and libraries can receive up to 90% of the eligible costs for these services.
  • Category 2 Services: Under Category 2 are services and technologies that enhance the internal connectivity of eligible institutions. This encompasses Wi-Fi networks, routers, switches, and other internal components. Funding for Category 2 services is distributed as a set dollar amount per student, with varying levels of support depending on the school’s location and economic need.


It can be beneficial to work with an E-Rate servicer with capabilities across Category 1 and Category 2, as it eliminates the hassle and expense of working with multiple partners to achieve the connectivity goals for your organization.  

As an established E-Rate servicer with a reputation for excellence, UDT can be an ideal partner for school districts or library systems seeking support across Category 1 and Category 2 services. With in-house E-Rate consultants, expertise in delivering integrated IT solutions, and a solid relationship serving 7 of the 10 largest school districts in the nation, UDT is ideally positioned to help you get the most out of E-Rate. 

 Program Benefits: What are the different benefits covered by the E-Rate Program? 

The E-Rate Program encompasses five distinct benefits, each catering to different aspects of enhancing digital connectivity and technological infrastructure within educational institutions: 

  1. Telecommunications: Telecommunications services involve voice communication and data transmission. This category covers traditional telephone services, which play a crucial role in maintaining communication between schools, libraries, and their stakeholders.
  2. Internet Access: Internet access is a fundamental component of modern education. It includes broadband connectivity which enables institutions to access online resources, research materials, and educational platforms. Reliable Internet access supports seamless digital learning experiences.
  3. Internal Connections: Internal connections refer to the hardware and components that create a network within an eligible institution. It covers equipment like routers, switches, and wiring, which form the backbone of a school’s or library’s digital infrastructure. Internal connections facilitate communication between devices and support various technology-driven activities.
  4. Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections: Maintenance is vital to sustain the longevity and functionality of technology infrastructure. This category includes routine upkeep, repairs, and technical support for internal connections. Proper maintenance ensures that devices remain operational, minimizing disruptions to the learning environment.
  5. Managed Internal Broadband Services (MIBS): MIBS is a notable addition to the service categories. MIBS encompasses comprehensive broadband solutions that include managed Wi-Fi services, network monitoring, security measures, and technical support. It goes beyond mere connectivity, offering institutions a complete package to optimize their digital environment. 


Maximizing E-Rate Benefits: How can educational institutions make the most of their E-Rate benefits? 

Maximizing the benefits of the E-Rate Program involves the following strategic steps: 

  1. Strategic Planning and Budget Allocation: Allocate your E-Rate funding strategically to address the most critical areas. Begin by aligning your institution’s technology needs with its educational goals. Create a comprehensive technology plan that outlines the services, solutions, and upgrades required to enhance learning experiences. Work with an expert like UDT to make sure your technology plan is comprehensive and tailored to your priorities and goals. Then you should quality check your Form 470 to ensure your needs are reflected accurately. One mistake can cost you thousands of dollars of potential funding. 
  2. Comprehensive Needs Assessment: Prioritize projects that will have the greatest impact on student learning and overall operations. Conduct a thorough assessment of your institution’s connectivity infrastructure and support requirements, then prioritize accordingly.
  3. Enhancing Connectivity and Access: Utilize E-Rate funding to improve Internet connectivity across your institution. By providing reliable, high-speed Internet access, you enable seamless online learning, research, and communication. Work with an expert like UDT to ensure your servicer has the right capabilities, expertise, and experience to help you optimize your use of E-Rate funding.
  4. Supportive Infrastructure and Maintenance: Allocate a portion of your funding to maintain and upgrade internal connections and equipment. A well-maintained infrastructure ensures that the technology remains operational and accessible to all users at all times.
  5. Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: Regularly assess the impact of the technology investments made through E-Rate funding. Gather feedback from educators, students, and other patrons to understand their experiences. Use this feedback to refine your technology strategy and make informed decisions for future initiatives. 


Application Timeline: What are the crucial dates and deadlines for the E-Rate Program application process? 

Missing deadlines can impact an institution’s ability to secure E-Rate funding and acquire the necessary services and technologies to stay connected. As such, applicants must meticulously follow the program timeline to ensure applications are reviewed promptly and funding decisions are reached within the desired timeframe:

E-Rate Program Timetable
E-Rate Program Timetable and List of Deadlines — from

By understanding and adhering to these crucial dates and deadlines, educational institutions can optimize their chances of successfully navigating the E-Rate application process and accessing the funding that supports their technological needs.

Navigating the Application Process: How can educational institutions successfully apply for the E-Rate Program and what’s the process like? 

Successfully navigating the application process for the E-Rate Program requires a strategic approach and a clear understanding of the steps involved.  

Here’s how you can streamline the process:  

  • Create Your Technology Plan: A vital initial step is crafting a comprehensive technology plan that outlines the institution’s goals, needs, and strategies for integrating technology into the educational environment. This plan serves as a roadmap and informs the allocation of E-Rate funds.
  • Submit Requests: Once the technology plan is in place, institutions can proceed to submit funding requests. This involves completing the necessary application forms, with two playing a central role:
    Form 470: This form is used to announce the institution’s technology needs and solicit bids from service providers. It helps institutions identify the solutions and services that best align with their requirements.
    Form 471: After evaluating bids and selecting providers, institutions complete a Form 471 to officially request E-Rate funding for the chosen services. This form includes details about the requested services, costs, and provider information.
  • Adhering to Deadlines and Guidelines: Timeliness is paramount in the E-Rate application process. Missing deadlines or failing to follow guidelines can result in delays or even rejection of funding requests. The process can be overwhelming, especially for those navigating it for the first time or unaware of recent program updates and their impact. However, expert guidance can make a significant difference.
  • Tap into Expert Help: Seeking assistance from E-Rate service providers who specialize in navigating the intricacies of the program is highly advisable. Working with a provider like UDT can give you an advantage in optimizing funding and enjoying a more effective, stress-free process. At UDT, we understand the nuances of the application process and can ensure all your E-Rate payment and reimbursement paperwork as well as any audit and appeals filings are submitted accurately and completely within the stipulated timeframes. 

Characteristics of the Perfect E-Rate Service Partner 

The ideal E-Rate servicer possesses several characteristics that contribute to a smooth and successful process. You want to work with a partner that has the following qualities: 

  • Expertise: A seasoned provider has a deep understanding of E-Rate rules and regulations, allowing them to guide institutions through the process efficiently.
  • Customization: The provider tailors solutions to the specific needs of each institution, ensuring that funding requests align with technology plans.
  • Support: An exceptional provider offers comprehensive support throughout the process, from forming technology plans to navigating the paperwork required for E-Rate payment and reimbursement, to preparing and filing appeals, and more.
  • Reliability: Reliable providers don’t just ensure you submit the right paperwork on time, they make the E-Rate process easy, because you have more important things to do, like serving your students and patrons. 


You want the E-Rate process to be easy—and UDT knows E-Rate. 

Enjoy a stress-free process and optimize funding around your unique needs with UDT’s dedicated team of experts. With over a decade of experience delivering full-coverage technology and IT solutions to K12 districts around the nation, we at UDT pride ourselves on providing professionalism, ethics, reliability, accuracy, and discernment in helping clients optimize E-Rate discounts.  

What You Get With UDT 

  • A Stress-Free E-Rate Experience: We take the grunt work off your plate, so you can focus on other priorities, like delivering top-notch learning experiences for your students. Our primary objective is to assist in helping you get the most out of the E-Rate process, including securing the maximum funding, optimizing it, and maintaining 100% compliance with program rules.   
  • The Latest E-Rate Expertise: UDT knows how to juggle the nuances associated with the E-Rate program, from application to audit. We keep everyone on our team — including our experts, consultants, and even our account billing department — trained on the latest in E-Rate to guarantee compliance with program rules and ensure the process remains seamless for you.  
  • Full-Coverage E-Rate Delivery Capabilities: Our state-of-the-art Integration and Support Centers are equipped with all that is required to order, stage, asset track, install, and manage all E-Rate-eligible equipment. UDT also provides solutions across Lifecycle Management, Cybersecurity, Managed Services, and IT Modernization, ensuring full coverage for your unique needs.   
  • Logistical Support and Guidance. When we say we will handle all things E-Rate, we mean it. UDT can manage all paperwork associated with the E-Rate payment and reimbursement process, prepare and file appeals, track every FCC decision affecting the program and provide guidance, monitor and catalog all appeals and audit decisions issued by the FCC, monitor all Specific Learning Disability (SLD) board meetings and public communications, and communicate regularly with federal and state education officials, FCC and congressional staff, and other members of the technology and education community.  
  • A Reputation You Can Count On. UDT has supported K12 with world-class technology and IT services since 1995. We currently serve 7 of the 10 largest K12 school districts in the nation. We currently rank as the #8 Category 2 provider nationwide. We’re also pleased to be expanding services in Category 1.


Schedule your free E-Rate consultation and see how you can benefit from UDT’s full-coverage E-Rate capabilities. It’s as easy as 1-2-3. 

Prepare for the pending E-Rate application season—from the logistics and requirements of submission and eligibility to how to optimize spending—with our free “E-Rate Made Easy” webinar series featuring expert speakers from UDT and our partners. Space is limited, so secure your spot today.  

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Get immediate assistance from our security operations center! Take the following recommended actions NOW while we get on the case:


  1. Determine which systems were impacted and immediately isolate them. Take the network offline at the switch level or physically unplug the systems from the wired or wireless network.
  2. Immediately take backups offline to preserve them. Scan backups with anti-virus and malware tools to ensure they’re not infected
  3. Initiate an immediate password reset on affected user accounts with new passwords that are no less than 14 characters in length. Do this for Senior Management accounts as well.

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